Policy for Health and Safety at work


Good working conditions and optimal safety are one of the primary concerns of the company management, as the health and safety, together with the profitability, quality and environmental awareness, are an integral aspect of its responsibilities. A good business policy provides safe and healthy conditions at work and markets safe and quality product.

The OHS management policy of Elena Group EAD is focused on the continuous improvement of the work conditions in accordance with the Bulgarian and European legislation and achieving ever higher personnel satisfaction from their work activity.

For realization of this policy the management directs its efforts to the following directives:

  • Prevention – measures undertaken before occurrence of work-related accidents and illness.
  • Efficiency – development of programs, processes and methods of risk identification and undertaking the adequate measures to protect the workers.
  • Integrated activities for Health and Safety at work for prevention of industrial accidents and environmental protection.
  • Activity and commitment of employees at all levels.

Establishment and maintenance of the Health and Safety at work is implemented through the following specific activities:

  • Provision of equipment in compliance with the standards and requirements for Health and Safety at work.
  • Maintaining highest levels of safety in the technological processes during equipment maintenance.
  • Periodical measuring and maintaining of the work environment parameters, utilizing collective protection, providing personal protective equipment.
  • Sanitary service in compliance with the nature of the activity, number and composition of personnel.
  • Health service offered by occupational health service and conducting regular heath check-ups.
  • Production interior aesthetics provision.
  • Development of analyzes and plans, ensuring the efficient work of Failure-Response Teams
  • Training and instructing the staff about the Health and Safety at Work.

The senior management encourages the upholding of the corporate culture towards the personnel health and safety at work as an integral part of its management philosophy, committed to the provision of adequate resources for achieving the directives set for reaching high-quality product level, healthy and safe conditions at work.